HERStory#6 Rhoda: My mentor inspired me to be a military nurse

Rhoda is an experienced nurse from the Humjibre clinic. She was born and raised in Humjibre and is grateful and proud to serve her own community with her knowledge and expertise. I met her when she and her team came to the Humjibre Community Center, which is right next to the GHEI office, to conduct monthly community baby weighing session.
Rhoda and her colleagues work regularly with GHEI health team on our flagship program Mother Mentor Program for Child Development to support new mothers during and after their pregnancy and teach them how to raise healthy babies. Rhoda spoke very highly of our Mother Mentor Program because it has encouraged many local women to give birth in a health facility.
As a mother of a toddler, she understands the struggles and needs of other first-time mothers. Hence, she commended our program to provide practical tips for news mothers. Rhoda hopes to work more closely with GHEI in the future.
When she was a little girl, Rhoda met her mentor, a female military nurse, through her church. After talking to her mentor about the profession, Rhoda has strived to become a military nurse since then. Fortunately, her mentor has helped Rhoda along the way and encouraged her to advance her education.
Now, Rhoda still hopes to work for the military and prepares for the entry exam. She said that she could not have obtained her current position without the support of her mentor. Therefore, Rhoda wants to do the same to be a role model and empower local girls. So, she serves as one of the speakers for our Girls Empowerment Camp to share her stories and experiences with girls in Humjibre and empowers them to pursue their dream careers.
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