We believe that every individual - regardless of age, gender, or socio-economic status - should have access to a learning environment where they can expand their knowledge and increase their literacy level. In our communities, there is a lack of literary resources available, which is exacerbated by the lack of textbooks in schools. Moreover, students do not have access to quiet spaces that are conducive to learning.
To give our community, and in particular students, the opportunity to learn and improve their literacy in preparation for obtaining a higher education, GHEI constructed a library in Humjibre in 2007. It has a collection of books on wide ranging topics, however there is a special emphasis on children’s books, school textbooks and books authored by African authors.

The library provides students and adults a quiet, rich-text environment to improve literacy skills by engaging with various types of reading materials.

Number of Books

Average users per month
Girls Library Attendance
Library Book Collection

Reading Club
GHEI’s Reading Club is an opportunity for Junior High Schools (JHS) students to engage with various African-authored books in a supportive atmosphere. Students gather at the Humjibre Community Library to read selected titles from the Junior African Writers Series or African Writer Series, answer comprehension questions, and discuss issues based on materials. The Reading Club is open to all JHS students in Humjibre.

Soroano Book Box Project
The Soroano Book Box Project aims to improve literacy in the Soroano community by providing culturally appropriate and educational books to primary school students. Our 2013 baseline assessment revealed a low knowledge of letter names. The average score was a mere 39%. We decided to provide more than 300 books to students. They are divided into six sets, one for each classroom and placed in wooden boxes for safe storage.
In 2016, we evaluated the impact of our intervention and learnt that the average score had increased to 82%. Undoubtedly, the program has contributed to strengthening literacy skills.
GHEI works diligently with local authorities and other key stakeholders of the Soroano District Assembly Primary School to implement the program and monitor its impacts.