Partnering with GHEI
We are proud to work with partner organizations from around the world to support our health and education work across Ghana. Our generous partners enable our high-impact programming to create a future where healthy, educated young people will lead their communities out of poverty.
Please see below for more information about ways in which you can support GHEI. If you would like to know more about partnering with us, we'd love to hear from you at communications@ghei.org.

Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement
Corporate partners provide financial resources and expert knowledge to support our programming aims and develop our organizational capacity. Partnerships give companies the opportunity to invest in the local communities we serve, helping to lift communities out of poverty in a sustainable manner.
Foundation Support
Foundations can provide funding for a wide range of interventions across our health and education program areas. Each of these program areas also has a strong cross-cutting focus on girls, helping to address gender inequality in the communities we serve. Foundations are able to support whole program areas, or component parts of our interventions, for both short-term projects and longer-term programs.
Local NGO and Implementing Partners
GHEI runs a wide range of programs helping to support early childhood and community health, early childhood literacy and youth education and provides access to thousands of books through our community library. We implement many of these initiatives in close cooperation with local health-care and education authorities and service providers, and are always keen to work further with local partners to ensure our programs deliver the best results for our beneficiaries, working within existing frameworks and without duplication of effort.
Public Sector Support
All of our program interventions are designed based upon research and detailed analysis of what works. Our programs are subsequently monitored and evaluated to the highest level in order that progress can be objectively measured, and implementation lessons learnt and shared. This highly evidence-based approach makes us an ideal partner for public sector organizations, including aid agencies and local embassies.
Direct Donations and Repeat Gifts
We welcome direct donations from individuals and organizations, either on a one-off or repeat basis. For more information about how to donate, please click here.
Fundraising Events
Fundraising events are a great way to help support GHEI's work. Whether you're a company team wanting to bond in a meaningful way, or an individual or group of friends determined to make a difference, fundraising events are a great way to raise money and have lots of fun in the process. Please contact our team for some ideas about different types of fundraising events that you might want to try.
In-Kind Donations
Our health and education programs are often supported by generous in-kind donations. This can include appropriate medical supplies or donations which can support our education programs, such as books and school equipment. If you have access to such gifts, and an idea of how we can work together to ensure delivery to Ghana, we'd love to hear from you.

Generously Supported By