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Interview with Ruth, the first graduate of our Mother Mentor Program

Ruth (26) with her daughter Mary (2)

Ruth, 26, is the first graduate of our flagship program: Mother Mentor Program for Child Development.

The two-year program aims to enable first-time mothers with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to have a healthy pregnancy and raise a heathy baby. We pair new mothers with GHEI trained mother mentors from the local community to provide ongoing support and education by conducting regular home visits and progress assessments.

I met Ruth and baby Mary on a sunny afternoon and learned about their story when Ruth came to GHEI office to finish the program completion assessment questionnaires.

Q1: Why did you choose to participate in the Mother Mentor Program for Child Development (MM program) and how did you find out about it?

A1: I heard a public announcement about MM program in the village. Then, I came to GHEI office to learn more about it and registered to be a participant.

Q2: Do you think the MM program is beneficial and why?

A2: Yes. I am very grateful for the program because it helps both Mary and I to stay healthy. It enables me with the knowledge and instruments to be a responsible mother. I know when and how to feed my baby. Mary is taller and smarter than her peers. Thanks to the program, she also has many books to learn colors, items, and animals.

Q3: Would you recommend the MM program to others in Humjibre?

A3: Yes, absolutely. I would encourage all eligible women to consider join in this program. It has been a life-changing journey for me. I am sure more families can benefit from this program. If possible, I hope to become a mother mentor and help other new mothers.

Q4: How can the MM program improve in the future? Any suggestions?

A4: I suggest to scale-up the program and introduce it to other nearby communities. Therefore, more women in need can enjoy the program and more children will be healthier.

Q5: How does your husband support you during the program period?

A5: My husband has been very supportive. The MM program has sessions on family planning and family activities. He actively participated in these sessions and made an effort to spend more time with Mary. We decided to wait for five years before having our second child.

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