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Girls Empowerment Camp

This session aims to motivate young girls in realizing their full potential. Since its inception in 2007, the camp has had a profound impact on the mindset of girls in our community. It contributes towards a renewed sense of awareness and many of the girls later credit Girls Empowerment Camp (GEC) for their achievements. This is truly a remarkable opportunity to engage with young girls living in the Ghanaian countryside and equipping them with necessary knowledge through interactive group sessions and one on one mentorship. 


Program Duration

Program Cost


July 24- August 7

Humjibre, Ghana



Fields of Work

15 Days


Join Us in Ghana this Summer!

Session Dates


Education Curriculum Design,

Female Empowerment, 

Poverty Alleviation

The Untold Truth

Young girls in Ghana are often faced with cultural, social, political and economic challenges that make their pathway out of poverty into empowered persons difficult. In rural communities like Humjibre, the challenges are greater as educating girls is considered an economic trade off. 


They are often burdened with family responsibilities like household chores and thus must forgo their education. In addition, the gender gap also presents barriers for girls and overcoming the cycle of poverty in our catchment communities can be next to impossible. 


To address these and similar constraints, GHEI’s Health and Education Resources for Success (HERS) program specifically focusses on empowering girls through various initiatives. 

GEC is one such critical initiative.


The Work We Will Do

With support from GHEI’s local staff, program participants will be responsible for developing and conducting an intensive two-week empowerment camp that specifically targets local girls who are about to embark on the Senior High School (SHS) journey. Having finished with the final Junior High School (JHS) examinations, the girls are positive and are always excited for the road ahead. The goal of the camp is to successfully empower by imparting knowledge and self-confidence, thus inspiring them to set personal and professional goals for themselves.

Topics Covered


Things To Know

Prior to arrival in Humjibre, participants will be required to develop a curriculum outlining their plan for each session such as lesson goals, activities etc.  


To increase the impact and engagement, participants will be paired with girls allowing for more personalized interaction and further opportunities for mentorship. This will be a unique chance to gain deeper insights about the girls’ viewpoints, perceptions and acquire exposure of their daily lives through home visits and experiencing local culture together. 


Last but not the least, GEC participants will be given a comprehensive tour of local schools, giving them an exceptional opportunity to witness classroom sessions, interact with teachers/headmasters and acquire insights into teaching methodologies in Ghanaian schools. 

Serve As You Grow

As a GEC participant, you will find yourself challenged in ways you have never been challenged before and you are bound to completely shatter some of your expectations and perceptions of carrying out development work in rural Africa. Learning outcomes include (but not limited to) -

Designing and implementing a non-traditional, yet culturally relevant empowerment curriculum aimed at building knowledge, self – confidence and awareness amongst teenage girls based in the countryside.

Understanding the role played by young girls and women in rural Ghana and the challenges faced by them to become empowered.

Understanding the educational curriculum and methodologies in Ghanaian schools and challenges to promoting education in rural Ghana.

First-hand experience and exposure of living in rural Africa and conducting development work in close coordination with local staff and other community members.

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